Multidimensional Wellbeing in the workplace workshop
Using the science of wellbeing at work to support your team to peak performance, engagement, happiness and health in the workplace
Multidimensional Wellbeing in the workplace workshop with Wellbeing Explorers
Duration: 1 day
The day includes
Hatha yoga (and optional Pranayama (breath-work) and meditation)
Multidimensional Wellbeing in the workplace is an interactive workshop that teaches you the science of wellbeing and how to use this towards happiness, health, engagement and peak performance at work. Burnout is a huge issue in today’s workplace; you will learn how to incorporate daily and long term wellbeing practices to ensure you are operating at optimal.
Learn what multidimensional wellbeing is and why it is important
Explore your relationship with wellbeing and how you value each area
Learn micro wellbeing practices (daily/ self-care) and macro wellbeing practices (longer term practices for intentional living e.g. exploring values)
Explore what wellbeing is in the workplace and the differences between self-care/ wellness and wellbeing
Set intentions, create goals and action plans towards individual and team wellbeing at work
Example itinerary 1
09.30 – 10.00: Welcome and refreshments
10.00 – 11.15: Workshop session 1 – You and your multidimensional wellbeing
11.15 – 11.30: Break
11.30 – 12.45: Workshop session 2 – Wellbeing in the workplace. Learn the research and strategies/activities e.g. wellbeing check in’s, desk yoga
12.45 – 13.30: Lunch
13.30 – 14.30: Workshop session 3 – Intention setting. Individual and team goals and action plans towards wellbeing in work
14.30 – 14.45: Break
14.45 – 15.45: Hatha yoga and meditation
15.45 – 16.00: Review and close
Note this programme works well for up to 15 people.
If you wish to add massage to this itinerary for your team, please contact us. Due to time considerations this would require the massages be carried out a different day. Click here for information on massages. We can facilitate follow up sessions for accountability towards wellbeing goals to support your team towards more engagement, peak performance and happiness and health at work. Further, we can offer 1:1 positive psychology coaching sessions for individuals in their professional development and wellbeing goals. Click here for more information.