Wellbeing Self
See below for what we can offer you as an individual towards your multidimensional wellbeing exploration
You will work 1:1 with Emma, our founder and fully qualified wellbeing specialist. You can create a bespoke package that suits your needs and supports you to multidimensional wellbeing according to your life and goals.
Options include combining positive psychology coaching, yoga, sports massage, music and adventure sports. In your sessions Emma will ask you “what do you need today?” ensuring flexibility in your programme, as well as working towards goals you have established.
This option is only available face to face, and is limited due to high demand. Your journey to multidimensional wellbeing takes commitment and passion to be happy and healthy, however, come as you are. Emma will be by your side as your life coach. This option is for you if you want to radically improve your multidimensional wellbeing.
Positive psychology coaching works mostly with the mind. You will engage 1:1 with Emma, our founder and fully qualified wellbeing specialist. This style of facilitation can be done online, over the phone, or in person. Emma’s approach to coaching is based on the science of wellbeing; positive psychology and coaching psychology. You will work towards outcomes such as happiness, health, connection and peak performance through goal attainment and self-mastery skills.
Similarly to multdimensional wellbeing, the coaching process takes commitment and drive. Emma will be your champion and support you to achieve your goals. This option is for you if your mind is getting in the way, or if you have performance goals you wish to achieve. Any mental or behavioural goal for personal or professional development is suitable for coaching.
Join an expedition as an individual to meet like minded people who will inspire, challenge and support you, move through incredible landscapes, wilderness, engage in comfort zone expanding adventure activities and dig deep to explore your personal wellbeing. You may arrive as an individual but you will leave with a community.
Our expeditions are designed to be transformational experiences and range from a weekend to two weeks. They are a mix of challenging physical and mental activities, restorative practices, and reflective and self-mastery skills building exercises and activities. You may be uncomfortable at times, but in this discomfort we realise our most profound growth and moments of clarity. Our team of experienced wellbeing and adventure leaders, and your new community, will support you in your journey. We also have retreat expeditions which involve more self-care activities, and are less active. There is a Wellbeing Explorer Expedition for everyone on their exploration towards multidimensional wellbeing and adventurous and energised living.
As an individual you can become a Wellbeing Explorer through attending our workshops. Workshops are usually shorter events from one hour to two days and involve sessions for your multidimensional wellbeing as well as specific topics; for example discovering and using your values, and using flow to maximise peak performance.
Workshops are energising, informative, interactive and you will leave with practical skills and knowledge to use towards achieving your wellbeing and peak performance goals. They are designed by Emma, our wellbeing specialist and are a great option for someone on the path towards multidimensional wellbeing who want to be in a room with like minded people and build community.
If you want a fully transformative and immersive experience, check out our expeditions.