Positive Psychology Coaching
Positive Psychology Coaching is a powerful and transformational relationship where Coaching Psychologist, Wellbeing Specialist and Wellbeing Explorers founder, Emma, supports you to reach your goals of self-mastery, peak performance and multidimensional wellbeing.
Emma gives a free 30 minute consultation to anyone who is interested in coaching to discuss suitability, prices, T&C’s and most importantly; your goals and reasons for coaching. Contact us now to book in.
You can start exploring today by booking your package
What is positive psychology coaching?
Positive psychology coaching is a powerful relationship, a collaborative partnership and a therapeutic intervention between coaching psychologist (me) and coachee (you), based on mutual trust and respect. However, it is also a professional relationship. Both of us have responsibilities to the partnership, and the conversation is guided by a contract and professional and ethical competencies on the part of the coach.
The goal is to support you to positive results. This is through goal-orientated and solutions focused processes, where we collaborate to identify and develop appropriate, meaningful and specific goals, options and action plans. Coaching also works on cognitive self-mastery and self-regulation skills like emotion regulation, thought regulation and works to eliminate obstacles like self-limiting beliefs and performance inhibiting beliefs, and supports sustainable change in behaviour.
As your coach, I will help facilitate an individualised journey through a thought provoking and creative process, using psychological theory and models which engender the conditions for change and developmental shifts.
This is a process of moving to a more evolved state, generating self-awareness to get the unconscious, conscious and working towards self-mastery.
I am also your ultimate motivational champion, you’ve got this. I am by your side. Positive psychology coaching techniques, practices and knowledge changed my life. It has changed millions of lives all over the world. I am excited to support you to self-mastery, multidimensional wellbeing and peak performance using the science behind wellbeing and my years of experience working with people towards personal and professional development.
My role as the coaching psychologist
My role as your positive psychology coach is to facilitate the coaching session. I will hold the space for whatever you bring. I am a challenger and an awareness raiser, and my questions will focus your attention, and allow you space and time to come up with your own answers.
I am on your team. I am your top cheerleader. I will motivate you, I will hold you accountable, and I will champion you, because you really are worth it. You may be a messy human, but I have been there. I know that you are also beautiful. I know what it means to need someone on your side and compassionately challenge you to be your best and help guide you through your exploration.
I see it as an honour and privilege that you feel able to connect with me and be vulnerable. I will respect you and your boundaries, and honour the privilege it is for you me to hold this space with you.
No matter what stage you are in your exploration into self-mastery and wellbeing, I will support you to reach your goals and help you learn to be happy, healthy, connected, performing at your peak and living the adventurous and energised life you have always dreamt of and deserve.
My ethos and approach
I truly believe that you hold the answers you seek. These may be buried deep, and are complex, sensitive, and difficult to access, but they are there. I also believe you have infinite potential to learn, grow and have insight towards self-mastery, happiness, health and peak performance. This process is about stepping into yourself not learning to be someone different or changing who you are. You can create the life and become the person you want, because it is who you are. What you do need is space, support and someone to challenge you and raise awareness to help you figure these answers out. I will guide our conversation and challenge you towards learning opportunities, but I am non-directive in my approach; you take ownership of your life, decisions and the direction of the coaching conversation. Therefore, I am not a mentor, not the expert in your life or a problem solver. I will help you learn rather than teach and be a fellow traveller on your journey.
Where appropriate (I will ask you) I can offer psychoeducation; the science behind wellbeing to help with your evolution and learning.
Expectations of your role
As the coachee, you will bring the content, select the topics and take ownership of the goals, direction and action plans generated during the session. This intensive process requires commitment, and motivated action, taking personal responsibility. I will ask you through this coaching process to be vulnerable, but my goal is that we build a trusting relationship where you feel comfortable sharing what you need, and I will thank you every time for your vulnerability, honesty and courage.
Please note, coaching is aimed at non clinical populations; those who do not have clinically significant mental ill health. However, please reach out to have a conversation with me directly to explore if coaching is right for you.

Am I a Wellbeing Explorer?
Wellbeing Explorers are the intrepid individuals exploring and journeying towards…click here to continue reading
Want results like these?
Ready for TRANSFORMATION towards your Adventurous and Extraordinary Life?
My coaching is a best fit for you if you are MOTIVATED, READY, PASSIONATE and COMMITTED to your journey.
If this is you, Book in NOW for your FREE 30 minute Positive Psychology Call
What is suitable to work with a positive psychology coach on?
Any personal or professional goal.
Learning about yourself; your values, strengths, interests, goals, dreams. We explore self-awareness and self-knowledge so you can live intentionally and with passion and purpose.
Any stress or issue in your life that is getting in your way, or stopping you from operating at your peak, that you wish to work/ talk through.
Any way of being, change of behaviour or way of thinking/ feeling.
Goals towards self-mastery and peak performance.
I am a Wellbeing Specialist. With this speciality, I work with you towards your multidimensional wellbeing. Goals may include:
Happiness, health, connection and peak performance.
Adventurous and energised living.
Wellbeing in life and work.
See below image for other areas in your multidimensional wellbeing we can work on:
Testimonials on TRANSFORMATION

Want results like these?
Ready for TRANSFORMATION towards your Adventurous and Extraordinary Life?
My coaching is a best fit for you if you are MOTIVATED, READY, PASSIONATE and COMMITTED to your journey.
If this is you, Book in NOW for your FREE 30 minute Positive Psychology Call