Loving-Kindness Meditation (FREE guided meditation for you)

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Loving-kindness is the state of mind that wishes happiness and wellbeing to the self and others.

I offer you this guided meditation in support of your journey to loving-kindness, self-compassion and compassion for all sentient beings.


The loving-kindness meditation is an ancient Buddhist meditation that can be practiced by anyone and focuses on sending loving-kindness to yourself and others. Use this to feel grounded in your interconnectedness and practice self-kindness. It is also to cultivate compassion, which is the emancipation of suffering and road to enlightenment for all sentient beings. His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama has said "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


This can be profound and may bring up intense emotions for you. If you find this meditation too intense, please feel free to stop at any time. If you need any support please reach out. Self-compassion is often an area we struggle with, so if you are feeling uncomfortable, I would suggest you continue with the practice for at least a few more minutes to see how you feel. The more we practice self-compassion, the easier it becomes.

See below for your FREE 20 minute guided meditation:

A beautiful exercise to compliment your loving-kindness meditation is to breathe with loving-kindness. You can do this anywhere, anytime. You just need a moment to take a few breaths.

Breathing with loving-kindness

  • Take a few minutes in meditation or pause where you are. This exercise can be done anywhere.

  • Start to become aware of your breath and feel your breath deepening. Take a few deep breaths to anchor yourself to the moment.

  • Imagine as you inhale that your heart is building with loving-kindness, as you exhale, send this loving-kindness flowing all around your body.

  • You can do this for a minimum of 3-5 breaths or meditate for as long as feels natural for you

  • If you wish, you can also send loving-kindness to others


I hope this supports you in your journey of a heart filled with compassion. I think you’ll love it, and it’ll fill you with love too.


Yours in exploration and with love,




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