Mindfulness Exercises
Mindfully here
Sit for 10 minutes somewhere you will not be disturbed, or at least somewhere you can concentrate. Using all your senses describe or write down your full experience of where you are. What do you see, smell, hear, taste, touch? What is your intuition telling you? What emotions are you feeling? What thoughts?
Mindful walk
Take at least 10 minutes to do this activity. Find somewhere quiet to walk, it could be your garden, a forest or beach or even your hallway. The idea is you walk at a natural pace (but keep it slow, do not rush) and keep your awareness open to all that is around you, and happening internally. Keep your phone off, do not allow any distractions while you make your way slowly and engage through all your senses; sight, smell, taste, sound and touch. If thoughts come to you, acknowledge them and let them drift away like the soft breeze that is flowing through your hair. This is much more powerful for me outside, but you can also practice this in an inside space too. Keep an awareness of the expanse around you, taking it all in, staying safe. If you find it useful to have a focus, count your steps to 10, then restart. For anything you notice, pleasant or unpleasant, acknowledge its existence and let it go, do not get attached to anything, just float on by. When you are ready to finish this walking meditation, pause for a moment, take a few deep breaths and consider how to bring this mindful awareness into the rest of your day.