Adventurous and energised living
Explore what adventure means to you and how to invite more of it into your life. Learn how to supercharge your energy and have passion and vitality for the exciting journey ahead, one adventure at a time.
Wellbeing Explorers Workshop
Adventurous and Energised Living
Duration: 1 day
The day includes:
Supported solo self-reflection
Group coaching
Energy theory, adventure, being in nature, reframing narratives, self-limiting beliefs, overcoming mental blocks, goal setting, goal theory.
Living an adventurous and energised life. This is the dream. It is also the goal of this workshop. We will explore how you think, feel and act adventurously and with energy. We dissect the theory behind adventurous and energised living and how you want these to manifest in your life, including formulating your best possible self, with adventure and full-power energy as your goals and values. The aim is to for you to leave with the skills, knowledge and confidence to live with energy, direction and passion for continuing the journey, one adventure at a time.
Learn the science behind and discuss why we need adventure, exploration and curiosity in our modern lives. Also explore the importance of engaging and connecting with our natural environments.
Explore and define your relationship with adventure including your values and create a definition that suits you
Explore ideas around being more adventurous and strategies for inviting more adventure into your daily life through micro adventures, and plan for macro challenges
Learn energy theory, how to manage your energy effectively and how to get the most out of your energy potential
Explore your beliefs around adventure and energy and how they are serving you
Formulate goals and action plan towards adventurous and energised living
Example itinerary
09.30 – 10.15: Welcome, refreshments, introductions and icebreakers
10.15 – 11.30: Workshop session 1 – Define adventure for you (micro and macro adventures, weekend warrior) and explore why adventure is important in your life (examining resilience, self-awareness, building skills, exercise, being in nature etc.). Why adventure is good for us; what the science says about being outside
11.30 – 11.45: Break
11.45 – 12.30: Workshop session 2 – Values around adventure. Explore your values like curiosity, challenge, courage, fun, boldness etc.
12.30 – 13.00: Strategies for inviting more adventure into your life. Including; time management, mental reframes, and using your 5pm – 9am.
13.00 – 13.45: Lunch*
13.45 – 14.45: Workshop session 3 – Energy theory. How to live an energised life using energy management techniques like emotion regulation, challenging your beliefs about energy, how calmness preserves energy and energy self-care
14.45 – 15.30: Workshop session 4 – Our beliefs around adventure and energy. Gaining self-awareness, learning and challenging limiting beliefs
15.30 – 15.45: Break
15.45 – 16.45: Workshop session 5 – Your best possible self in living an adventurous and energised life. Intention setting, formulate your goals and action plan
16.45 – 17.00: Review and close
*Please note lunch is not included in the price. We suggest you bring a packed lunch with you, due to limited time.
Included in the price:
Your facilitator and workshop
Workshop material post session (these will include the exercises from the workshop and helpful guides. We will email these to you)
Tea and coffee
Not included in the price:
Lunch (we recommend a packed lunch)
Travel to and from the venue